registration and payment

Registration Fee

200 Euro for academicians, professionals

100 Euro for master and PhD students

Registration fee includes participation in all sessions, 2 coffee breaks, lunch, e-book and attendance certificate

For each paper at least one author should be registered and should present the paper. Other authors and accompanying people should also pay the registration fee in order to attend the conference. Only presented papers will appear in the conference book.

All fees stated include VAT.

You may pay the amount by Bank Transfer

The Bank IBAN number for wire transfers is  IT63J0200801160000101739790

Swift code: UNCRITM1AG0    City: TORINO    Bank Name : UNICREDIT SPA     Branch Code: 60                              Name-Surname.Commercial Title: POLITECNICO DI TORINO - DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DESIGN                                      Adress: CORSO DUCA DEGLI ABRUZZI 24 10129 TORINO ITALIA

The transfers should be accompanied by the registration and payment form which you can find below.
After the money transfer, the receipt and the form should be sent to

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